New Hires

All newly hired student employees who will be working for the first time at BC must complete the following onboarding documents before they begin to work. 请注意,学生必须在校园内或通过我们的学校找到一份工作 Off-Campus Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program 完成这些学生就业入职表格. 

I-9就业资格验证表, 新学生雇员入职表格, and Payroll Form Statement (Student Hours at Boston College) are paper forms and must be completed in person at the Office of Student Services.  These three forms are required to satisfy the Form I-9 requirement and must be completed only once for all student jobs at Boston College. 学生在填写完I-9表格后才能开始工作, and it is on file with Student Employment.

The Federal W-4 and Massachusetts M-4 tax withholding forms along with the direct deposit for payroll must be completed online through the PeopleSoft Human Resources link once the student is hired and active on the payroll system. 在学生完成I-9表格要求后,学生就业部将发送说明. Students can change their withholdings and direct deposit for payroll information through their online link at any time if necessary.  


Required Onboarding Form for Student Employees
The 新学生雇员入职表格 must be completed along with the Form I-9 and Payroll Form Statement (Student Hours at Boston College).  Information on the student's hiring department/location(s) and job title(s) is required when completing this form.
Form I-9
I-9 Instructions

Students must complete and sign Section 1 of Form I-9.  当证明您的公民身份或移民身份时,请选择一个方框. 必须提交原始的、可接受的、未过期的文件供代表填写 Section 2 at the Office of Student Services. More information on what documents to present can be found on the second page of Form I-9 (Lists of Acceptable Documents).

工资表报表(电子游戏软件学生学时)Students must read, complete, and sign the Payroll Form Statement (Student Hours at Boston College) to acknowledge the University Policy Statement concerning the maximum amount of hours student employees can work each week. This form must be completed along with the Form I-9 and 新学生雇员入职表格.
W-4 (Federal Withholding Form)
联邦表格W-4(雇员扣缴证明)可以通过您的 Agora Portal > PeopleSoft Human Resource Services > Self Service > Payroll and Compensation > Update Tax Withholdings 一旦你的学生雇佣被处理并在工资系统上激活.
M-4 (Massachusetts Withholding Form)The Massachusetts Form M-4 (Employee's Withholding Exemption Certificate) can be completed online through your Agora Portal > PeopleSoft Human Resource Services > Self Service > Payroll and Compensation > Update Tax Withholdings 一旦你的学生雇佣被处理并在工资系统上激活.
Direct Deposit Enrollment Instructions直接存入工资登记将可在您的 Agora Portal > PeopleSoft Human Resource Services > Self Service > Payroll and Compensation > Update Direct Deposit 一旦你的学生雇佣被处理并在工资系统上激活. 有关如何设置您的工资直接存款的步骤,请参阅说明.

Note: If you have been awarded Federal Work-Study and are working under our Off-Campus Federal Work-Study program, 你亦须填写以下表格:



I-9 Process

由于1986年的移民改革和控制法案, all new employees must complete an Employment Eligibility Verification Form (I-9) within three business days of starting employment and present original documents that evidence both identity and employment eligibility.

Newly-hired, hourly-paid student employees must complete Section 1 of this Form and bring it with original documents to the Office of Student Services in Lyons Hall.

表格I-9和说明的副本可在所需表格标签上找到, as well as the University's Human Resources Forms page.

以下文件清单由国土安全部确定, 学生可以提交列表A中的任何文件 or a combination of one document from List B and one document from List C. All documents must be unexpired.


International students on an F-1 visa are eligible to work on campus while enrolled in a degree-seeking program. International F-1 students are allowed to work until their scheduled graduation dates as shown on their academic record. 学生必须保持合法的F-1身份,同时从事在校学生就业.

获得校内就业的国际F-1学生必须填写I-9表格, bringing original documentation, to the Office of Student Services.


  • Unexpired Foreign Passport
  • Form I-94
  • Form I-20
  • F-1学生申请社会安全号码的校内工作证明 or BC省国际学生和学者办公室(OISS)的工作许可信please see below for more information.

International F-1 students who receive a job offer from an on-campus employer must also apply for a Social Security Number (SSN) in order to be hired and paid. 当他们到达当地的社会保障办公室时,他们必须携带他们的 申请社会安全号码的F-1校内就业证明-由他们的校园雇主和oiss共同完成-以及上面列出的所有文件. Students will need to ask for a paper receipt showing that they have applied for a Social Security number. Please refer to the Social Security Administration website 获取有关如何申请社会安全号的更多信息和说明.

已经有SSN的国际F-1学生应该使用 Work Permission Letter 并由OISS按照表格上的指示填写.

更多关于国际学生的信息可以在 OISS website. 他们位于哈蒙德街258号Hovey House.

Exchange students on a J-1 visa may work on campus as long as they are in good standing and are enrolled in a course of study at Boston College. 交换J-1学生只能在指定的授权期限内在校工作. 在校内找到工作的学生必须完成I-9表格的要求, bringing original documentation, to the Office of Student Services.


  • Unexpired Foreign Passport
  • Form I-94
  • Form DS-2019 表明学生身份并由电子游戏软件赞助
  • 如果J-1学生的项目赞助商是IIE(富布赖特), 学生将需要获得该赞助组织的就业许可
  • 来自BC省国际学生和学者办公室(OISS)的就业授权书

Exchange J-1 students who receive a job offer from an on-campus employer must also apply for a Social Security Number (SSN) in order to be hired and paid. Please refer to the Social Security Administration website 获取更多信息,以及申请社会安全号所需的文档. 他们必须携带上面列出的所有文件. Once they apply for a SSN, 学生需要索要一张纸质收据,证明他们已经申请了社会安全号.

After applying for a SSN, the students will also need to stop by the Human Resources Service Center (HRSC) at 129 Lake Street on the Brighton Campus and bring that paper receipt, along with all the documents listed above, to the Foreign Tax Specialist. The HRSC can also assist international students with completing tax forms and any other required forms, but they should contact the HRSC at (617) 552-4772 to make sure the foreign tax specialist is available.

更多关于国际学生的信息可以在 OISS website. 他们位于哈蒙德街258号Hovey House.