

探索每个学习要求 更多关于我们的申请审查.





For our undergraduate admission process, 电子游戏软件 uses the 常见的应用程序. We require that all candidates submit their application electronically. 请务必仔细选择您的优先选择,以便在普通申请中考虑提前决定或常规决定.



候选人必须申请大学的四个本科学术部门之一:莫里西艺术与科学学院, 卡罗尔管理学院, 林奇教育与人类发展学院, 或康奈尔护理学院. 学生 are 只有 considered for admission to the division to which they applied. 学生 do not have to declare a specific 主要 when 应用 (with the exception of Engineering* & 护理.)了解更多关于 选择一个学术部门.

* Because of the limited number of spaces in the entering cohort, HCE 主要 applicants 只有 是否可以选择在莫里西文理学院申请第二专业. If applicants are not offered admission to the HCE 主要, 他们可能会被考虑作为第二选择专业.


个人陈述, 补充文章, 免费答卷为学生提供了在大学录取过程中发出真实声音的宝贵机会. While students may turn to a variety of resources such as parents/guardians, 英语教师, 和学校辅导员,以产生想法, 内容必须是他们自己的. Generative artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT may also serve as a resource, but must 只有 be used as a guide; content must never be directly copied from AI or other sources. The submission of original content not 只有 adheres to the ethical expectations in 应用 to college, but benefits the applicant by having their authentic personal 故事 valued by the 电子游戏软件 Committee.


本科招生办公室非常重视多元化学者群体所做的贡献. 了解更多关于电子游戏软件的信息 不歧视通知书.





The 电子游戏软件写作补编 must be submitted along with your application to 电子游戏软件 at www.commonapp.org. 请不要邮寄或电子邮件你的论文回复. 


我们想更好地了解你. Please respond to one of the first four prompts below (400 word limit). 学生 应用 to the Human Centered Engineering 主要 should respond to Prompt #5 instead.

1. 每年在大学毕业典礼上, our incoming class engages in reflective dialogue with the author of a common text. What book by a living author would you recommend for your incoming class to read, 为什么这是一个重要的共享文本? 

2. At 电子游戏软件, we draw upon the Jesuit tradition of finding worthwhile conversation partners. Some support our viewpoints while others challenge them. 谁扮演这个角色 你的生活? 请列举一个你的谈话对象挑战你或你挑战他们观点的具体例子.

3. 在2019年11月的Ted演讲中,单一故事的危险,Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie警告观众不要通过对国籍的假设来给人们一个“单一的故事”, 外观, 或背景.  谈谈某人用单身来定义你的一次经历 故事. What challenges did this present and how did you overcome them?

4. 电子游戏软件’s founding in 1863 was in response to society’s call. 那个电话来自一个 immigrant community in Boston seeking a Jesuit education to foster social mobility. 还是今天, the University empowers its students to use their education to address society’s greatest needs. 今天哪些地方或全球问题是你特别关注的?你会如何利用你在电子游戏软件的教育来解决这个问题?

5. 以人为本的工程(HCE)仅限申请人: One goal of a Jesuit education is to prepare students to serve the Common Good. Human-Centered Engineering at 电子游戏软件 integrates technical knowledge, 创造力, and a humanistic perspective to address societal challenges and opportunities. What societal problems are important to you and how will you use your HCE education to solve them?


电子游戏软件 will maintain a test-optional admission policy for the 2024-25 application cycle. 点击这里了解更多.
For those students who plan to submit ACT and/or SAT results during the 2024-25 admission cycle:
  • To reduce the cost associated with 应用 to college, 电子游戏软件 provides applicants with multiple options to report your SAT and ACT score results. 学生 may send official score reports from a testing center, 在他们的申请中自我报告他们的考试成绩, and/or upload self-reported scores through their Applicant Status Portals. All scores submitted to 电子游戏软件 will be evaluated by the 电子游戏软件 Committee. Should applicants upload or send new scores after submitting their application, 我们将尽最大努力进行审查, but cannot guarantee that they will arrive in time for review.
  • 电子游戏软件 "super scores" exam results for students who have taken the SAT or ACT multiple times. 在我们的审查中, 我们将评估学生在考试管理日期内的最高个人分数,以创建学生获得的最高综合分数. This policy also applies to prospective students who take both the paper-based SAT and the new digital SAT, which will be administered in the US beginning in Spring 2024.
  • 在申请中提供成绩的电子游戏软件学生将被要求在电子游戏软件时提交正式的考试成绩报告. 届时,学生的成绩将得到验证.
  • 在申请时或电子游戏软件时发送的官方标准化考试成绩必须直接从测试机构发送到电子游戏软件(SAT代码:3083和ACT代码:1788). 如果收到大学理事会或ACT寄给电子游戏软件的成绩报告会给你带来经济困难, applicants should have their high school counselorcontact the Office of Undergraduate 电子游戏软件. 将根据具体情况探讨备选方案.
I国际申请 must submit official TOEFL, IELTS, or 多邻国英语测试 examination scores. 了解更多关于 standardized testing and English proficiency requirements 国际申请者.





电子游戏软件 looks for students who are in the most challenging courses available at their high schools. 我们最具竞争力的申请者往往有四年的五门主要科目的高中课程:英语, 数学, 社会科学, 自然科学, 和外语. 我们非常感谢高中可以提供各种各样的课程,并在我们的申请审查中考虑到这一点.


All students are required to submit an official high/secondary school transcript. This transcript must be sent by your high school and can be submitted online at commonapp.org 也可以邮寄(地址见下文). Please note that we will not accept any academic credentials from students.

为了进入电子游戏软件, a student must submit a final high school transcript or a G.E.D. 电子游戏软件前.

Chestnut Hill, MA 02467


除了通用申请之外, 电子游戏软件 requires that you also submit the following materials:

学校成绩单和辅导员推荐表 - Your counselor or school official should submit these forms. If your school uses its own school form, we will also accept that document. 传统上,学校表格是与你的大学顾问的推荐信和你的官方成绩单一起提交的.

老师的评价 - You are required to submit two teacher evaluations as part of your application to 电子游戏软件. 我们建议这些评估是由在五个主要学科领域(英语和英语)中教过你的老师写的, 社会电子游戏正规平台, 科学, 数学, 或外语).

Mid-Year Grade Report (常规的决定 and Early Decision deferred candidates) -我们要求你的辅导员或指定的学校官员尽快提交年中成绩报告.


为了审核您的申请,必须提交80美元的申请费或申请费减免请求. Your application fee should be submitted with your 常见的应用程序. 给n the volume of applications 电子游戏软件 receives, we strongly recommend that you submit the application fee online. If you are unable to submit the fee online, you should mail a check or money order.


If submitting the $80 application fee presents a financial hardship for your family and you are a U.S. citizen or 永久居民, you may apply for an application fee waiver. You may apply for a fee waiver through the 常见的应用程序.



高级副主任Owen Grover

高级副主任Owen Grover

有意参加 主要 in Studio Art can submit artistic samples/portfolios through SlideRoom.  如果不是主修艺术工作室, please highlight any art involvement (such as photography, 绘画, 画, 陶瓷, 数字媒体, 和视频)的活动或附加信息部分的共同应用程序或任务桥应用程序. 

电子游戏软件邀请具有戏剧和/或音乐背景并计划参与音乐和戏剧制作的学生通过SlideRoom提交艺术样本来展示他们的才能, 不管他们打算主修什么专业.  If you do not intend to formally pursue these artistic talents at 电子游戏软件, but you would like to tell us about past experiences you've had in the arts, 我们鼓励您在通用应用程序或QuestBridge应用程序的活动或附加信息部分中这样做.

所有材料必须在11月1日之前通过SlideRoom收到,提前决定I或QuestBridge全国大学比赛候选人,提前决定II和常规决定候选人必须在1月3日之前收到. Submissions received after these dates will not be reviewed.




All i国际申请 must demonstrate English proficiency by submitting TOEFL, IELTS, or 多邻国英语测试 考试成绩. A student is considered an international applicant if he/she is not a U.S. 美国公民.S. 永久居民. 了解更多关于 应用 作为一个国际学生.


学生 attending a national school in China are encouraged to schedule an interview with InitialView. 虽然不是必需的, 视频面试让考生有机会向招生委员会展示英语水平和沟通能力.




提前决定一 is a 绑定 admission program for students who view 电子游戏软件 as their top choice.


Early Decision applicants will be notified of their admission decision no later than December 15.



提前决定II is a 绑定 admission program for students who view 电子游戏软件 as their top choice.


Early Decision applicants will be notified of their admission decision no later than February 15.






常规的决定 applicants will be notified of their admission decision no later than April 1.



Human-Centered Engineering and 护理 freshman applicants are not eligible for spring enrollment.


Spring entry freshmen applicants will be notified of their admission decision no later than December 15.


每年, 电子游戏软件 awards eighteen academically merit-based scholarships to incoming freshmen through the Gabelli总统学者计划提前决定和常规决定候选人都有资格获得总统奖学金,只要他们符合11月1日优先奖学金的截止日期. No additional application materials are required for this scholarship, 但请注意,只有候选人 秋季电子游戏软件申请 会被考虑.

总统奖学金是一个 四年全额奖学金. 如果学生表现出超出学费的需求, as determined by 电子游戏软件's institutional analysis, this need would be met with additional scholarship funds.

Finalists for the Gabelli总统学者计划 will be notified of their status in mid-January. These students will be invited to 电子游戏软件 at our expense for interviews and evaluation in mid-March. They will be notified of final decisions shortly thereafter. 

电子游戏软件很荣幸能与 邮票学者计划 in funding three of the eighteen Presidential Scholarships each year.


我们期待通过您在常见的应用程序或QuestBridge Application中提供的电子邮件与您联系. After we receive your submission, we’ll email you login information for our Applicant Status Portal. You can check the status of your application there at any time. 

Please note, we do not begin downloading applications until mid-September. If you submit an early application, we will notify you once your application has been downloaded. 请添加“admission@bc”.Edu”添加到您的批准电子邮件发件人列表中,以确保您收到此电子邮件和其他重要的申请相关通信.