
获得联邦勤工俭学(FWS)的学生有资格通过联邦政府的校外联邦勤工俭学计划在校外工作, 状态, 或者当地的公共机构, 或者由私人非营利组织提供.  通过该项目工作的学生是电子游戏软件的雇员,并将由大学直接支付报酬.  有FWS可用资金的学生和/或有兴趣参加本计划的合格组织,请参阅 雇主资讯 了解更多信息和审批流程. 这是 该机构的免费项目.

Local public agencies including city or county governmental offices, 公立学校, 由医院, 公共图书馆, 社区中心和私人, nonprofit organizations can be considered for a work-study contract with 电子游戏软件.

根据《电子游戏正规平台》第501(c)(3)条被认定为非营利组织的组织有资格获得勤工俭学资格. Examples of private nonprofit organizations include colleges and universities, 医院, 日托中心, 中途宿舍, 危机中心, 还有夏令营. 允许宗派(宗教)组织工作, but the work must be in the public interest and can不 in any way support sectarian ends.


没有参加校外FWS项目的任何其他校外雇主雇用的学生都是该校外雇主的雇员, 报酬是学生和雇主之间的事情.

电子游戏软件 is committed to providing information in a manner that is accessible to all. If you are in need of a printed copy of the material presented on this web page, please contact the 学生服务办公室.

在校外组织担任远程职位的i -9表格

在州外或非本地的校外组织中找到远程职位的学生可以由学生就业办公室的授权代表填写表格i -9. 请与Eriliza Guerrero联系 guerrere@americangreens.net to schedule an appointment to have your I-9 completed by an authorized representative. 根据联邦指导方针, you must bring original documentation when you arrive to have your I-9 completed. 请参阅美国移民局网站,了解填写I-9所需的可接受文件清单.







电子游戏软件就业中心 握手 就业平台是学生可以在广泛的行业和地理位置申请工作/实习的地方. 除了申请工作和实习, 你也可以预约与就业中心的职业教练见面,参加校园职业活动, 包括雇主资讯会, 人才招聘会往往会, 和研讨会.

More information on these job and internship listings can be found on the BC省就业中心的网站.


电子游戏软件 鹰交换 是一个官方的在线平台,促进学生和世界各地的电子游戏软件校友之间的联系. 鹰交换 will help facilitate career-related conversations between you and the BC alumni network. The platform will provide you the opportunity to seek knowledge and advice, 探索你感兴趣的职业领域, and build your professional network with the global BC alumni community.

More information on how you can sign up for 鹰交换 can be found on the BC 鹰交换网站.

鹰交换 is brought to you by the 电子游戏软件 校友 Association and the Career Center.


如果你想探索其他校外兼职/小时学生工作(如校园营销/品牌大使角色), 零售/出纳职位, 在餐馆当服务员/招待, 或保姆/保姆/个人护理/家庭辅导角色), 请到护理中心.com,的确.com, Sittercity.com和Urbansitter.com. 我们办公室不接受或发布这类职位.

注意: We urge you 不 to accept any offer until you are certain of the duties and requirements of the job, as well as the salary and hours of that job and extent of your commitment. Any student hired is an employee of that 雇主 and 不 an employee of 电子游戏软件. Student Services does 不 refer or match students to any specific job.