Master of Science (M.S.) in Applied 经济学

Master of Science (M.S.) in Applied 经济学

Learn how to connect research to real-world trends. 我们的米.S. 应用经济学课程使您能够评估政策和计划, develop forecasts, better understand consumer behavior, and analyze market efforts, all with an emphasis on ethical decision-making.


Pursue your master's degree full- or part-time online, on campus during the evening, or in any combination you please. 我们的课程是为工作或实习的学生设计的.


我们具有挑战性的课程包括五个核心要求,为经济分析的理论和定量工具提供坚实的基础,以及五个选修科目,如大数据, health care economics, marketing research, and economic development.


由一群有成就的学者和行业从业者指导, 您将学习分析数据和使用数据分析工具,同时获得实践经验,为毕业后的工作做好准备. 

经济学 for the Real World


电子游戏软件伍兹高级电子游戏正规平台学院(Boston College Woods College of advanced Studies)的主任.S. in Applied 经济学, Aleksandar (Sasha) Tomic, Ph.D., explains the skills sets the students will learn in the program.

At a Glance

How many courses?

十门课程——五门核心课程和五门专业选修课. Students can complete the degree in as little as 16 months. 

灵活的 Scheduling

Study full- or part-time online, on campus during the evening, or in any combination that works for you.

How much does it cost?

$1,432 per credit Academic Year 2024–2025 tuition rate, the total cost of the M.S. degree is $42,960.

What sets us apart?

Hands-on experience




Industry connections




Career readiness




Solve Work Problems

在MSAE项目的一个学期之后,我已经能够将一些概念应用到日常工作中,以解决有关定价和预测的问题. 没有受过统计建模程序的训练,比如我在MSAE项目中接受的Stata和R, 我对这些问题的解决方案不可能如此准确或可靠.
迈克尔D. 汉森的18, Manager, New Product Development, Verizon Labs




打印 all courses on page

夏天 2024 Course Offerings

These listings are informational only. For a current listing of M.S. in Applied 经济学 courses, including closed or canceled courses, please visit the Course Information and Schedule system and use the prefix "ADEC”.

Financial 援助

我们知道BC教育是一项有价值且重要的投资. 我们致力于帮助您实现经济实惠的教育目标,同时公平对待每个学生和他们的家庭. 经济援助和付款计划可能适用于一学期至少修满六个学分的学生.

Our 教师

Skills in Demand


Average starting salary for an Economist

Source:, Obtained June 2018

Where do our students and graduates work?


Technology Consultant Associate, 普华永道

Consultant, 西班牙集团

Operations Systems Engineer, Barbaricum (Germany)

电子游戏正规平台 associate, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

Transfer Pricing Analyst, Ernst and Young  

业务 Intelligence Engineer, 亚马逊

Senior Data Analyst, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Senior 经济学家, IHS Markit

经济学家, Bureau of Labor Statistics

Data Science Analyst, 麦肯锡 & 公司




Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.



Please Note
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. For exact deadlines, see below.

Application & 最后期限



Prerequisite courses:

Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics, Statistics, 微积分I和II(微积分II可以在第一学期在电子游戏软件或其他地方同时学习.)


Start Your Application

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Entrance Term:Application Due Date:Decision Letter Sent By:
秋天Early Deadline: 5月1日6月1日
 Regular Deadline: 6月15日
 Rolling admissions after Regular deadline.Applications will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
春天Early Deadline: 10月15日
November 15
 Preferred Deadline: November 15December 15
 申请将在11月15日之后接受,并将根据具体情况进行审查, pending availability. Students are encouraged to apply after November 15. 
夏天Early Deadline: 3月1日4月1日
 Regular Deadline: 4月1日 
申请暑期班的国际学生必须在3月1日之前提交申请. 夏天 2 applicants 必须 submit an application by 4月1日st.)
 Rolling admissions after Regular deadline.申请将根据具体情况进行审查,等待可用性.


To be uploaded to your online Application Form

Personal Statement

To be uploaded to your online Application Form.

In 550 - 750 words, describe your academic and professional goals, any experience relevant to this program, and your future plans, expectations, and aspirations.

Letters of Recommendation

两封推荐信(推荐信必须直接由推荐人通过在线申请门户网站发送或直接发送到伍兹学院).  我们将不接受没有密封信封的信件(直接由推荐人邮寄或直接由推荐人通过电子邮件发送)。.




Please mail transcripts to:

Boston College
Woods College of Advancing Studies 电子游戏软件s Office
St. Mary's Hall South
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

如果你的学术机构提供电子成绩单,请注明 as the recipient.

Boston College 校友 and Current Students:
Your BC transcript 必须 be formally requested from the Office of Student 服务s and submitted to the Woods College. Woods cannot request or access transcripts independently. 

Official Transcript Submission for International Applicants.

所有在美国以外的学校就读或正在就读的学生 必须 provide a detailed, course-by-course transcript evaluation  指授予相当于美国大学学士学位的本科学位.S. bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution.  

This evaluation is not just an English translation, 但是一个由认可的评估机构提供的文件显示了所有的等级, course titles, credit hours, United States degree equivalency, grade-point average (GPA), and date of degree conferral. 

Please request a detailed, 以下机构授予学位的所有国际机构的逐门课程成绩单评估:

Educational Credential Evaluators
P.O. 514070箱
Milwaukee, WI 53203-3470

Center for Educational Documentation
P.O. 170116箱
Boston, MA 02117

World Education 服务s Inc.
P.O. 5087箱
Bowling Green Station
New York, NY 10274-5087


Applicants whose Native language is not English are required to demonstrate English language proficiency, for required scores, visit our International Student page.

International Student page


Video Essay

A video essay is required for all applicants.

You will be provided a prompt before you begin recording. Please answer by recording a video - with audio - via webcam. Please note:

  • You will have 2的机会 to record this video and 不会 have the opportunity to re-record after the second attempt
  • You will have 2分钟 to answer the given prompt

If you have any questions or experience any issues, please email 接受招生办公室申请专家的支持.


Standardized Tests

  • While we do not require standardized test scores, 我们强烈建议提交GRE或GMAT成绩作为申请的一部分, 特别是在没有满足一个或多个先决条件的情况下. GRE reporting code 7534, or GMAT reporting code 44X-HX-07. 
  • 对于所有非英语母语者,过去两年内的托福(报告代码3276)或雅思(如果适用), is required.  Please view the international page for required test scores. 如果你的本科学位是用英语进行的,你可能有资格获得托福豁免. Please contact Woods College 电子游戏软件s if you believe you qualify for a waiver.


What are the defining characteristics of your program?

我们的应用经济学硕士学位汇集了以实践为导向的数据分析的关键技能,以及致力于道德敏感性的丰富课程. 我们的课程旨在确保学生拥有当今(和未来)就业市场的相关技能. Thus we focus on areas such as public 政策 legislation, health care, civic agencies, 商业和银行,使我们的学生将在各种行业的职业生涯做好准备.

Is the program a STEM Designated Degree Program?

应用经济学硕士课程自豪地成为STEM指定学位课程. STEM指定学位项目由国土安全部指定. F-1 students can apply for a 24-month OPT Extension.   


学生将准备在各种领域的职业生涯中,有分析精度和显著的技术熟练度的需求.  These industries include:

  • Educational 服务s
  • Financial 服务s
  • Chemical Manufacturing 
  • Professional, Scientific, and Technical 服务s
  • Insurance Carriers and Related Activities
  • Hospitals and Health Care
  • Electrical Equipment, Appliance, and Component Manufacturing
  • Miscellaneous Manufacturing
  • Merchant Wholesalers, Durable Goods
  • Credit Intermediation and Related Activities
  • Social Assistance


从2010年到2013年,美国东北部和大波士顿地区对应用经济学硕士毕业生的需求增长超过100%,分别为108%和143%。. 在可预见的未来,增长率预计将继续保持这一上升趋势. 

How many courses are required for this program?

通常需要10门课程(共30学分),但一些学生可以选择一门额外的课程,重点是培养市场的实用技能(实习或项目)。. 我们相信,这为我们的学生提供了独特的职业优势,而不是类似的项目,不提供应用的重点. 

What are the requirements for admission?

  • Online application
  • 地区认可的学院/大学的学士学位(最低GPA 3).0)
  • While we do not require standardized test scores, 我们强烈建议提交GRE或GMAT成绩作为申请的一部分, 特别是在没有满足一个或多个先决条件的情况下.
  • Personal Statement
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • 的简历
  • Application fee ($60, non-refundable)
  • Interview is optional or may be required by program director. 
  • Prerequisite courses: Principles of Microeconomics, Principles of Macroeconomics, Statistics, 微积分I和II(微积分II可以在第一学期同时学习)

What if my GPA is not a 3.0? Am I still eligible to apply for the program?

是的, you are welcome to apply. 我们会考虑你的申请,并权衡各种因素,如行业经验,以决定我们是否能够录取你. 在这种情况下,我们强烈建议提交GRE或GMAT成绩作为申请的一部分.

For particular applicants, 我们可能会在特定条件下批准进入该计划(例如, 第一学期前两门课程均以B或以上成绩通过).

Do you offer admission to international applicants?

是的, 欢迎国际申请者在正式录取后申请, are eligible for a student visa. (Please note that TOEFL or IELTS scores are required.请注意,持有学生签证的国际学生需要在1年内完成课程.5 years (3 academic semesters).

Must both letters of recommendation be from an academic source?

No, 我们希望一封推荐信来自学术来源, 另一封来自雇主或有管理能力的人,他们可以谈谈你的兴趣和经验.

Does this program require the GRE? 

While we do not require standardized test scores, 我们强烈建议提交GRE或GMAT成绩作为申请的一部分, 特别是在没有满足一个或多个先决条件的情况下.

How much does the program cost?

学费 can be found on the tuition and aid webpage.

学费 & 援助

Do you offer financial aid?

Woods College 电子游戏正规平台生 Programs offer access to US federal aid. 这些援助资金只适用于美国公民或永久居民.  International Students are not eligible. 伍兹学院奖学金目前不适用于电子游戏正规平台生项目. 欢迎您就您的具体情况和需要进一步询问.

如果我没有修过特定的先决条件课程,我仍然可以申请吗? Would equivalent work experience qualify instead?

If you have not completed the pre-requisites you may still apply. 我们为您提供在伍兹学院完成所有先决条件的机会. If you complete your prerequisites with a GPA of 3.0分或更高,你将有资格获得有条件录取. If you have prior work-related experience, 我们将要求你证明你对应用经济学技能的掌握程度. Please contact us for details of this process.

Do you offer graduate course credit transfer?

We do not accept graduate course credit from other institutions.

Can you tell me about your faculty members?

几乎我们所有的教师都拥有经济学或统计学博士学位,并且是有成就的实践者. 他们的专长包括与国际货币基金组织的合作, to large consulting 公司 in the Greater Boston area, to academic departments that shape industry standards. 每位教师都致力于为学生提供适用于各种工作场所的现实世界技能.


Once you have completed your degree requirements, 你在不列颠哥伦比亚省的正式学生记录将反映学位本身和授予日期. 伍兹学院作为BC省的一所功能齐全的学校,与BC省所有学校一样授予学位.

What is the deadline for admission?


(申请签证的国际学生应在开学前至少3个月申请, and can only be admitted for fall and spring semesters.)

How long does it take to complete the degree?

这是可变的,很大程度上取决于学生在任何给定时间内修了多少门课程. 如果你每学期选两门课程,你可以在16个月内完成学位.

Can students work full-time and pursue this degree?


Do you offer graduate student housing?

No. 电子游戏软件目前不为电子游戏正规平台生提供住房,但我们的 Office of Residential Life does have a staff member who can help you find off-campus housing.

Does Woods College require an enrollment deposit?

是的,被录取的学生确认电子游戏软件后必须支付250美元的电子游戏软件押金. The enrollment deposit is not an additional fee, 并将直接应用到你的学生账户,并将从你的学费账单中扣除.  任何希望推迟电子游戏软件的人都必须在他们的延期申请被处理之前支付押金.

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