The Boston College Center for Work & 家庭 is the country's leading university-based center focused on helping employers enhance the employee experience, increase employee productivity, and improve the quality of employee lives. We develop high-quality programming and cutting-edge research on a range of topics, from diversity in the workplace to mental health.

Upcoming 事件

Bridging the academic and corporate worlds

The Center's role has always been to bring together some of the world's leading academics with corporate practitioners to increase our understanding of how to improve the employee experience. We do this through our collaborative research, educational forums, and Roundtable meetings.
Brad Harrington, Executive Director

我们的 电子游戏正规平台

At the Center for Work and 家庭, we study much more than our name would suggest. 我们的 evidence-based research covers a wide range of areas, and is constantly evolving as new challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, 出现. Below are four of our most-researched topics. 

Work-Life and Flexibility

电子游戏正规平台 exploring shifting gender roles and ways organizations can help employees manage professional and personal responsibilities. 

Employee Well-Being

Publications focusing on creating workplace 文化s that promote employee physical, emotional, social, and financial well-being.

Talent Management

电子游戏正规平台 focused on the ways organizations can attract, 参与, and advance talent while helping employees actively manage their own careers. 

多样化的 & Inclusive Workplaces

Reports and briefings reviewing workplace strategies focused on diversity & inclusion as well as appreciated differences in gender, 文化, and socio-economic background.

Become a Roundtable Member

The Boston College Workforce Roundtable is the premier learning and networking community for progressive employers who seek to provide a superior employee experience. Based in the Carroll School of Management at Boston College, the Roundtable combines the most valuable aspects of a professional community and the resources of a leading academic institution for members, including interactive events and access to informational resources.

Featured 资源

2023 Trends: One Size Does Not Fit All

In 2023, one size does not fit all when it comes to developing talent, managing new ways of working, and supporting employee well-being. Flexible work is here to stay - and it’s a key strategy for leaders and managers trying to rebuild company 文化s that can attract and retain in-demand talent.

Spring 2023 Progress Report:   Women's Career Advancement

As of February 2023, women’s unemployment improved to  3.5% compared to 3.9% a year prior. Women’s labor force participation rate was 57% overall and 77% for women ages 25-54, exceeding pre-pandemic levels. 

Mental Health in the Post-Pandemic Workplace

Stress and burnout are at all-time highs and employees are increasingly prioritizing their mental health. 我们的 newest executive briefing shares the la测试 data and trends around mental health in the workplace and best practices from Roundtable members.

Tips for Managers: Making Hybrid Work

Increasingly, employers are committing to long-term flexible and remote work policies by adopting a hybrid work model. As managers re-参与 with their teams, they should pay attention to the four areas outlined in this tip sheet to ensure an 参与d and productive workforce.

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