Philip Landrigan, M.D., 1963年担任全球公共卫生和公益项目主任以及电子游戏软件全球行星健康观测站主任, 一份关于塑料制造和污染在整个产品生命周期中对健康产生深远危害的开创性新报告的主要作者是谁.

Published in the journal Annals of Global Public Health and released in Monaco during Monaco Ocean Week, 这项电子游戏正规平台是由天文台及其合作伙伴澳大利亚明德鲁基金会和摩纳哥科学中心领导的一个国际科学家小组进行的.

Philip Landrigan, M.D.

Report lead author Philip Landrigan, M.D., 他是全球公共卫生和公益项目以及电子游戏软件行星健康观测站的主任

In the following Q&A, Landrigan discusses the unprecedented scope of the study, the first to examine the economic, health, environmental, 以及与塑料相关的社会成本,从制造的第一阶段到材料的许多最终状态,这种材料似乎无处不在-在家庭和企业中, buried in landfills, scattered along roadsides, amassing in oceans and waterways, and infiltrating the bodies of humans and animals.

Countless studies have examined plastic pollution and health risks. What is different about this analysis?

这是第一次分析塑料在其整个生命周期(从摇篮到坟墓)对人类健康造成的危害,从开采煤炭开始, oil and gas from which nearly all plastics are made, through production and use, and on to the point where plastic wastes are thrown into landfills, dumped into the ocean or shipped overseas.

Previous studies have looked at pieces of the plastic life cycle. 他们基于空气污染方面的专业知识,从许多不同的角度来看待这个问题, or the oceans, or fracking, or medicine. But until now, nobody has looked at the entire problem all at once. 这就是我们方法的不同之处,而且我们特别关注塑料对人类健康的影响.

Graphic illustration of the life cycle of plastic

Why did you do this study at this time?

我们做这项电子游戏正规平台是因为我们非常关注大规模的气候变化对人类和地球健康的影响, almost exponential recent increases in plastic production and plastic waste. Eight billion tons of plastic have been produced since 1950, more than half of it in the last 20 years, and production is on track to treble by 2050. 这种塑料含有数千种有毒和致癌的化学物质,可以在每个阶段从塑料中滤出. 因为塑料在环境中不会分解,只有不到10%的塑料被回收利用, 据估计,目前有60亿吨含有化学物质的塑料垃圾污染着地球环境. This is not sustainable.   


The mission of the Global Observatory on Planetary Health is to look at the big threats to humanity in the 21st Century, including climate change, pollution and biodiversity loss. This study fits right into the center of our agenda and that of the Schiller Institute, which was founded on a vision to expand BC’s research into health, energy and the environment. 这项电子游戏正规平台还建立在我们早期与摩纳哥阿尔伯特亲王基金会和 Centre Scientifique de Monaco, starting with our 2020 report on human health and ocean pollution. The Minderoo Foundation 是澳大利亚最大的基金会,他们非常关注塑料的危害,并在这个问题上提供了大量的信息. They came to us and asked us to participate. The Commission is the group of scientists who worked on this report, who bring expertise from around the world. They include my Boston College colleagues Vice Provost for Research and Dr. Michael E. '86 and Dr. Salvatore A. '54 DeLuca Endowed Professor in Biology Thomas Chiles, Reverend Michael P. Walsh, '33, M.A.'35, L.H.D.'75 (hon.) Chair in Bioethics Andrea Vicini SJ, Professor of Law David Wirth, Chemistry Professor Jia Niu, as well as current and former BC undergraduates Caroline Bald ‘23, Carly Griffin ‘24, Hannah Ianelli ‘24, Ella Whitman ‘23, Jenna Mu ’22 and Aroub Yousuf ’22.

Graphic illustration of the life cycle of plastic

What is the Global Plastics Treaty? Does it already exist?

It does not exist yet, but it is in negotiation. Two years ago, 联合国环境大会——由联合国召集的世界各地环境领导人的年度会议——批准了一项决议,呼吁制定一项全球塑料条约. Now international negotiators are working to put it together. Our report is intended to inform the Treaty negotiations.  最后,我们提出一系列专门为配合谈判而编写的建议. The Global Plastics Treaty is still two to three years away. But it will resonate with other treaties, including the agreement reached earlier this month known as the Oceans Treaty.

What will it take to, as the report recommends, end plastics pollution by 2040?

A group of global leaders, the High Ambition Coalition, established that target. We thought it was a reasonable goal and we incorporated it into our report. Clearly, we are not going to live without plastic products. Many are essential. 但我们必须确保我们使用的塑料是安全生产和妥善处理的. Currently, plastic recycling is a failure. Only 10 percent of all plastic is recycled (compared to 75 percent of paper). Not because people don’t want to recycle. But once plastic gets to a sorting facility, most items contain too many toxic chemicals to be safely recycled. As a result, 含有化学物质的塑料垃圾被运往世界各地,最终到达世界上一些最贫穷的国家. 它最终会被填埋或焚烧,往往会损害这些设施所在的社区.

在本报告中,我们试图对塑料的必要用途和非必要用途作出非常明确的区分. 很多塑料都是不必要的,尤其是像产品包装这样的一次性塑料. That’s not accidental. 化石燃料行业认为,随着世界走向绿色,汽油和其他燃料的市场在萎缩,因此他们正在转移越来越多的煤炭, oil and gas into plastic manufacture and creating new markets for plastic. 《电子游戏正规平台》的目标是遏制这种失控的生产,同时保护塑料的基本用途


将设立常设科学政策咨询机构,为《电子游戏正规平台》及其谈判代表和参与者的工作提供科学证据. All big global agreements, or treaties, need scientific support. 他们需要接触到有专业知识的人,以确保条约反映了最新的科学. These treaties are never static, they must continually be updated to reflect the best current knowledge.

What was the significance of releasing this report at the beginning of Monaco Ocean Week?

Monaco Ocean Week brings together key stakeholders in the marine sector, from industry, conservation, academia, and government. 在这次重要的国际会议上发布的报告强调了塑料污染与海洋污染之间的联系. 同样重要的是,摩纳哥亲王阿尔贝二世正在全力支持这个问题. Monaco is a small country, but he is a head of state. He has a seat at the U.N. of equal rank to U.S. President Joseph Biden. 当一个国家元首在一份新的报告或倡议背后投入他的力量和信誉时, as Prince Albert is courageously doing here, that is significant.

Is Prince Albert II uniquely positioned to lead on this issue?

Absolutely. He’s his own man and there is also a tradition in his family of protecting the oceans. He’s the third generation of his family to make ocean protection his cause.

This report intends to drive change at a global scale. What makes you confident that can be done?

I am an optimist. 我从长期的经验中了解到,实现变革的第一步是收集事实. That is what we have done in this report. 一旦收集到的数据表明,像塑料这样的材料对人类健康和地球环境造成了巨大的危害, it is harder for people to say there is no problem. 这不会在一夜之间带来改变,但事实是顽固的东西,它们不会消失. Given time, I suspect that the Global Plastic Treaty will be established, checks and balances will be placed on plastic production, and that the currently unrestrained accumulation of plastic waste will slow. We now have an Ocean Treaty, and we have the Paris Climate Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, so things are moving in the right direction. As a  proud Boston College graduate and member of the Boston College faculty, 我觉得我有责任履行耶稣会的使命,保护我们共同的家园, to push for change, and to try to advance the Common Good.

Ed Hayward | University Communications | March 2023