主要 & 小

主要 in 艺术历史

Students interested in majoring in 艺术历史 should contact the Director of 本科 Study for 艺术历史,
教授. 水母坎贝尔.

The 艺术历史 major requires 11 courses (33 credits):

  • ARTH1101 Intro to 艺术历史 I: Pre-历史 to Middle Ages
  • ARTH1102 Intro to 艺术历史 II: Renaissance to Modern
  • 两个 of the following three courses: ARTH2212 East Asian Art and Architecture, ARTH2213 Islamic Art and Architecture, ARTH2250 Introduction to African Art and Visual 文化
  • One 工作室艺术 (ARTS) course or ARTH4314 The Materials of Art and their Conservation
  • Elective 1 (2000 or 3000 level)
  • Elective 2 (2000 or 3000 level)
  • Elective 3 (3000 or 4000 level)
  • Elective 4 (3000 or 4000 level)
  • Elective 5 (3000 or 4000 level)
  • ARTH4401 Seminar in Art Historical 电子游戏正规平台 (must be taken in the fall semester of junior or senior year)
  • Optional thesis: Students who are interested in writing a thesis should sign up for ARTH4483 Senior Thesis in 艺术历史 in the spring semester of their senior year. Students who write a senior thesis are eligible for departmental honors.


Students interested in minoring in 艺术历史 should contact the Director of 本科 Study for 艺术历史,
教授. 水母坎贝尔.

The 艺术历史 minor requires 6 courses (18 credits):

  • ARTH1101 Intro to 艺术历史 I: Pre-历史 to Middle Ages
  • ARTH1102 Intro to 艺术历史 II: Renaissance to Modern
  • One of the following three courses: ARTH2212 East Asian Art and Architecture, ARTH2213 Islamic Art and Architecture, ARTH2250 Introduction to African Art and Visual 文化
  • Elective 1 (2000 or 3000 level)
  • Elective 2 (3000 or 4000 level)
  • Elective 3 (3000 or 4000 level)

The 艺术历史 minor also requires a copy of a research paper written in one of the 艺术历史 elective courses. To satisfy the requirement, the paper must have received a grade of B or above. Please submit the paper to 教授. 水母坎贝尔.

课程 counted for the minor must be taken for a grade, not pass/fail. At least 15 credits (5 courses) in the minor program must not be used to fulfill any other major or minor.

博物馆电子游戏正规平台 Concentration

The 艺术历史 major can also be completed with a concentration in 博物馆电子游戏正规平台, which requires a minimum of 12 courses (36 credits):

  • ARTH1101 Intro to 艺术历史 I: Pre-历史 to Middle Ages
  • ARTH1102 Intro to 艺术历史 II: Renaissance to Modern
  • 两个 of the following three courses: ARTH2212 East Asian Art and Architecture, ARTH2213 Islamic Art and Architecture, ARTH2250 Introduction to African Art and Visual 文化
  • ARTH4314 The Materials of Art and Their Conservation
  • ARTH4370 Museum of Art: 历史, 哲学, and Practice Course
  • One of the following courses: MGMT1021 Organizational Behavior, MGMT2123谈判, MGMT2127领导, MGMT2132 Managing Change, MGMT2133 Leading High Performance Teams, MGMT2265 全球ization, 文化, 和道德
  • Elective 1 (2000 or 3000 level)
  • Elective 2 (2000 or 3000 level)
  • Elective 3 (3000 or 4000 level)
  • Elective 4 (3000 or 4000 level)
  • ARTH4401 Seminar in Art Historical 电子游戏正规平台 (must be taken in the fall semester of junior or senior year)