Advanced Placement

There are a number of ways to earn advanced placement units at Boston College including qualifying scores on College Board Advanced Placement (AP) exams, International Baccalaureate exams, British A Level exams, French Baccalaureate exams, 以及德国Abitur的结果, 以及瑞士的成熟酒店和意大利的成熟酒店. Official results from all testing should be sent to the Office of Transfer Admission for evaluation. 寻求高级学位的学生, 在六个学期的全日制学习中完成本科学习的选项是什么, shall be in touch with their Academic Dean no sooner than the completion of their first semester at BC. 符合条件的分数将被分配进阶先修单元,如下表所示.


如果你的大学先修课程分数没有反映在你在Agora门户网站上的记录上, 请从大学理事会订购一份新的成绩报告,并将其发送到电子游戏软件. Our code is 3083. 请记住,成绩大约需要两周才能从大学理事会收到. 如果你对你的分数和/或排名有疑问, 请与本科招生办公室联系

Boston College participates in the Advanced Placement program of the College Entrance Examination Board. Applicants interested in advanced placement should make arrangements to take the Advanced Placement Examinations given by the College Board in May of each year.

下表显示了电子游戏软件的大学先修课程政策. 电子游戏软件保留更改此政策的权利,这是由校园管理人员决定的. 一般来说,在考试中获得四分或五分的学生将被授予先修课程. 在某些情况下,三分将使学生有资格进入大学先修课程. In most cases, students do not earn actual credit, rather, 符合大学核心课程的相应要求. 你仍然需要修满毕业所需的120个学分 unless you have the equivalency of 30 AP credits, in which case you may qualify for advanced standing and would be eligible to graduate from Boston College in 3 years.

Advanced Placement ExamExam Score MinimumAdvanced Placement UnitsRequirements Fulfilled*
Art History43Arts Core
Biology462 Natural Science Core
Calculus AB (or AB sub score)43数学核心/数学1100或数学1102课程等效
Calculus BC46数学核心/数学1100,数学1101,数学1102或数学1103课程等效
Chemistry462 Natural Science Core
Chinese Language and Culture46斯拉夫语选修课和语言能力
比较政府与政治学431 Social Science Core
计算机科学(A或原理)N/AN/AStudents must consult with the department to determine if any placement within the major is appropriate.
**Economics (Macro)431个社会科学核心/ ECON1101没有实习
**Economics (Micro)431个社会科学核心/ ECON1101没有实习
English Language and Composition43Writing Core
英国文学与写作43Literature Core
Environmental Science431 Natural Science Core
European History46History Core I and II
French Language and Culture30Demonstrates Language Proficiency
French Language and Culture43罗曼语选修课和语言能力
German Language and Culture46Demonstrates Language Proficiency
Human GeographyN/AN/ANo BC equivalent
Italian Language and Culture30Demonstrates Language Proficiency
Italian Language and Culture43罗曼语选修课和语言能力
Japanese Language and Culture46斯拉夫语选修课和语言能力
Music Theory43Arts Core
Physics 1431 Natural Science Core
Physics 2431 Natural Science Core
Physics C E+M431 Natural Science Core
Physics C Mechanics431 Natural Science Core
PrecalculusN/AN/ANo BC equivalent
Psychology431 Social Science Core. 请咨询部门,以确定是否有任何安置在专业是合适的.
ResearchN/AN/ANo BC equivalent
SeminarN/AN/ANo BC equivalent
Spanish Language and Culture30Demonstrates Language Proficiency
Spanish Language and Culture43罗曼语选修课和语言能力
Spanish Literature and Culture30Demonstrates Language Proficiency
Spanish Literature and Culture43罗曼语选修课和语言能力
Studio Art431 Fine Arts Elective
U.S. Government and Politics431 Social Science Core
U.S. History46学生申请高级课程时包含的科目 .  没有获得大学核心/部门实习.
World History46History Core I and II

*Students in the Connell School of Nursing fulfill their Natural Science and Mathematics Core Curriculum requirements through coursework taken during their freshman year. Therefore, qualifying exam scores cannot be used to fulfill those requirements for nursing students.

**从2022年春季学期及以后的学生开始, 在宏观经济学和微观经济学两门课程中都取得合格分数,就可以获得实习机会 ECON1101 Principles of Economics, 哪一个符合社会科学核心. Students with qualifying scores in both Macroeconomics and Microeconomics would still need to satisfy the second Social Science Core requirement.

Each score of 6 or 7 on Higher Level exams will earn advanced placement units and will generally satisfy a core requirement. 你仍然需要修满毕业所需的120个学分, 除非你有相当于30个学分, in which case you may qualify for advanced standing and would be eligible to graduate from Boston College in 3 years. 具体考试请参考下表.

IB ExamExam ScoreAdvanced Placement UnitsRequirements Fulfilled*
Film6/731 Arts Core
Music6/731 Arts Core
Theatre6/731 Arts Core
Visual Arts6/731 Arts Core
Individuals and Societies
IB Exam
Exam ScoreAdvanced Placement UnitsRequirements Fulfilled*
Business and ManagementN/AN/AN/A
Economics6/731 Social Science Core. 经济学专业/副修课程也需要满足经济学原理(ECON 1101).
Global Politics6/731 Social Science Core
History of the Americas6/76History Core I and II
History of Asia and Oceania6/76History Core I and II
History of Europe6/76History Core I and II
Islamic History6/73No Core; 1 History Elective
Philosophy6/731 Philosophy Core
Psychology6/73No Core; 1 Psychology Elective
Social and Cultural Anthropology6/731 Social Science Core
World Religion6/731 Theology Elective
IB Exam
Exam ScoreAdvanced Placement UnitsRequirements Fulfilled*
Biology6/762 Natural Science Core
Chemistry6/762 Natural Science Core
Computer Science6/731 Computer Science Elective**
Design TechnologyN/AN/AN/A
Environmental Systems6/731 Natural Science Core
Physics6/762 Natural Science Core
IB Exam
Exam ScoreAdvanced Placement UnitsRequirements Fulfilled*
Mathematics6/731 Math Core
Further Mathematics6/731 Math Core
Analysis and Approaches6/731 Math Core
Applications and Interpretation6/731 Math Core
IB Exam
Exam ScoreAdvanced Placement UnitsRequirements Fulfilled*
English A Literature6/731 Literature Core
English A Language and Literature6/73Writing and Literature Core
English B Language ***N/AN/AN/A
Foreign Language6/76MCAS Language Proficiency
Modern Classical Language6/76MCAS Language Proficiency

* IB elective units cannot be used to fulfill the four arts and sciences electives required for CSOM, 但可以算在30个单位,有资格申请先进的地位. Electives do not count toward the degree in any other scenario because IB units are generally used for placement only, not credit.

** Students interested in the Computer Science major must consult with the Computer Science Department to determine if these electives can in any way apply to the major.

***从2023年秋季及以后电子游戏软件的学生开始, 英语B语言的合格分数将不再获得大学先修课程.  


All students in the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences must demonstrate intermediate-level proficiency in a foreign language in order to graduate from Boston College. 以下SAT科目考试成绩表明电子游戏软件的中等水平水平.

SAT Subject TestExam Score MinimumRequirements Fulfilled
Chinese700Demonstrates Language Proficiency
French550Demonstrates Language Proficiency
Italian550Demonstrates Language Proficiency
Japanese700Demonstrates Language Proficiency
Korean700Demonstrates Language Proficiency
Latin600Demonstrates Language Proficiency
Spanish550Demonstrates Language Proficiency
A-Level ExamExam Score MinimumAdvanced Placement UnitsRequirements Fulfilled*
Ancient HistoryA/B/C31 History Core
Art and DesignN/AN/AN/A
Art HistoryA/B/C31 Arts Core
Art (Fine Art)A/B/C31 Arts Core
AstronomyA/B/C31 Natural Science Core
BiologyA/B62 Natural Science Core
BiologyC31 Natural Science Core
Business StudiesN/AN/AN/A
ChemistryA/B62 Natural Science Core
ChemistryC31 Natural Science Core
Computer ScienceA/B/C31 Computer Science Elective
EconomicsA/B61 .社会科学核心课程/ ECON1101实习课程
EconomicsC31 Social Science Core
English LanguageA/B/C3Writing Core Only
English LiteratureA/B/C3Literature Core Only
Film StudiesA/B/C31 Arts Core
HistoryA/B/C62 History Core
Islamic StudiesN/AN/AN/A
Languages other than EnglishA/B/C31外语选修/语言能力
Maths/Further MathsA/B61 Math Core / 1 Math Elective
Maths/Further MathsC31 Math Core
PhysicsA/B62 Natural Science Core
PhysicsC31 Natural Science Core
PsychologyA/B/C31 Psychology Core
Religious StudiesA/B/C31 Theology Core
SociologyA/B/C31 Social Science Core
Theatre StudiesA/B/C31 Arts Core


*还有其他的a - level课程并不适用于电子游戏软件的学位. 如果课程没有在这里列出,则不能获得进阶学分.

Scores of 14 or higher* will be considered for a maximum of six placement units for each 12th grade Spécialité subject.

A minimum score of 12* for each 12th grade Spécialité subject will be considered for a maximum of three placement units.

Students completing the French Baccalaureate with International Option (OIB) may earn advanced placement units in English and history for corresponding exam scores.

Scores below 10 do not qualify.


*Advanced Placement is based on the French Baccalaureate exam results and is considered in the context of departmental review. 电子游戏软件保留更改此政策的权利,这是由校园管理人员决定的.

对于期末考试成绩达到70分或以上的学生, advanced placement units will be awarded only for subjects in which the written exam was taken (no placement for oral exams) and the average score for the final exam over the last two years is 7 or higher. 英语不能获得进阶先修学分.

在Abitur期末考试中得分的四门科目将被考虑安置. 对于两个被列为“主要科目”的科目,分数在10分或以上的学生将获得相应学科领域的6个先修学分. 另外两门“基础课程”,成绩在10分或以上, 在相应的科目领域将获得3个进阶先修学分. 英语不能获得进阶先修学分.

考试成绩达到4分或以上可以获得进阶先修课程. 英语不能获得进阶先修学分.

Students who earn a total of 30 Advanced Placement units may be eligible for Advanced Standing and have the option to complete their undergraduate studies in three years. Students interested in this option should be in touch with their Dean following completion of their first semester at BC. 在此之前,不会对高级学分做出任何决定. 寻求高级学位的学生 must be able to complete all degree requirements by the proposed graduation date and be approved for Advanced Standing by the Dean before the start of their third year of undergraduate study.

Advanced placement units can be earned for college courses taken during high school according to the following guidelines:

Students enrolled in courses designated as “college courses” that are taken at the high school with a high school teacher may only earn advanced placement units if corresponding College Board AP exams are taken and qualifying scores are earned. 单凭大学成绩单不能获得这些课程的先修学分.

College coursework taken on a college campus with a college professor and with other college students either during the academic year or over the summer may be evaluated for advanced placement units. Only courses that are deemed equal in depth and breadth to coursework taught at Boston College and are being used to supplement high school coursework (and not to fulfill high school requirements) will be considered.

每门3或4学分的课程,成绩达到B或更高,将获得3个先修学分. 学生仍然需要修满毕业所需的120个学分, 除非他们有相当于30个学分, in which case they may qualify for Advanced Standing and would be eligible to graduate from Boston College in 3 years. College transcripts 以及由高中管理人员签署的证明表格 这些课程的申请必须在8月1日前提交给转学电子游戏软件办公室. Students who enroll at a local college to satisfy high school graduation requirements are not eligible for advanced placement units unless they take the corresponding College Board AP exams and earn qualifying scores.

Dual Enrollment Verification Form