
In some ways, student life has not changed that much since 1936, when Harold A. Stevens became the first Black person to graduate from BC Law. Although electives are more plentiful, 1Ls take Criminal Law, 合同, 侵权行为, 财产, 和民事诉讼一样(宪法直到1965年左右才成为课程的一部分). Similar to their predecessors in the 1930s, students today have the opportunity to participate in activities like moot court, 模拟试验, and student government. Obtaining meaningful employment after graduation remains a primary goal. 然而, 现在的学生在一个更多元化的社区中体验法学院的乐趣和挑战,这里有活跃的亲密团体和强大的临床机会,将法学院的学习与现实世界的问题联系起来.




电子游戏软件法学院黑人法律学生协会(BLSA)分会于1984年正式成立, but an informal chapter had been thriving since the 1970s, in the years following the establishment of the national organization in 1968. 学生成员参与宣传和规划,也相互支持,以适应节奏和严格的1L生活. The challenges posed by the first-year curriculum are eased with outline sharing, 学习小组, 指导, and social outings. The focus on learning “black-letter law,” often untethered from the daily realities of how the law intersects with racial 身份, can be alienating and disorienting. Even in the midst of the challenges of classes and thinking about future careers, many students urge professors to routinely integrate conversations about 比赛, 性别, sexual orientation, 残疾, class, and other facets of 身份 into class conversations about legal doctrine.

1L students Bouchra (Mimi) Danielkebir, 记忆科比, and Sarah Diggins '25 engage with Professor Thomas Mitchell in their property class. Professor Mitchell’s scholarly and activist focus is on heirs’ property, 一个多世纪以来,这个法律机制剥夺了有色人种和穷人的房地产.

BLSA的学生经常在校园里领导运动,扩大课程,以反映法律与有色人种生活经历的交叉方式. One example in recent years was student advocacy for a course on 比赛 and the law. This effort came to a head in May 2021, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the murders of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. 充满激情的学生倡导为所有11年级学生开设了一门名为“批判性视角:法律”的必修课, 上下文, and Professional Identity. 我们的目标是为我提供开始深入思考种族角色的基本技能, 性别, 身份, 财富, and power in the law, 在法学院, and in their own professional formation.

学生, 教师, 此外,教职员工的倡导也让学院的教职员工更加多样化,为二年级和三年级学生开设了大量关于种族和法律的课程. Indeed, these goals were pillars of a 2020 Call to Action Letter issued by BLSA. 以下是一些最突出的结果:

  • In 2018, SJC Justice Geraldine Hines (Ret.)加入BC Law教授一门关于种族和警务的课程,从那时起一直是社区的活跃成员和定期活动小组成员.
  • In 2021, the BC Law Civil Rights Clinic was launched with Professor Reena Parikh at the helm, an important complement to the BC Law Innocence Program and the Criminal Justice Clinic.
  • In 2022, 公设辩护人詹娜·科布加入了学院,指导辩护诊所,让学生为被指控犯罪的贫困客户辩护.
  • Also in 2022, the BC Law community was thrilled to welcome Lisa T. 亚历山大 and Thomas W. Mitchell, preeminent scholars in property and community development law reform.


Professor Renee Jones worked tirelessly to add various courses on social justice, 比赛, and the law during her tenure as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

Professor Jenna 科布 directs the 电子游戏软件 Defense Clinic, 她在那里培训和指导学生律师代表面临刑事指控的贫困个人.

Professor Lisa T. 亚历山大's scholarship focuses on U.S. housing law and policy, and the law’s role in making housing markets more efficient and more equitable.

休伯杰出客座教授和马萨诸塞州最高法院前法官杰拉尔丁·海恩斯教授“种族”课程, 治安, and the Constitution” and has been a facilitator for the 1L Critical Perspectives course.



In addition to learning in classroom and clinical settings, participation in 法律评论 provides an opportunity for experience and resume-building. 在学生经营的刊物上工作,给工作人员提供了编辑经验,并有机会写一篇学生文章或“笔记”.” 电子游戏软件 法律评论 is the oldest scholarly publication at BC Law. In the decades since its founding in 1959, Black students at BC Law have served as 工作人员 members and editors-in-chief. In recent years, BCLR has made huge strides to diversify membership, and the numbers of students of color have increased dramatically.

BLSA member Renée Landers ’85 served as editor-in-chief of 电子游戏软件 法律评论. Professor Landers now teaches at Suffolk University 法学院.

BC法学院法律期刊历史的一个重要部分涉及到黑人学生的倡导. 1977年4月,BC法律学院举办了“黑人视角下的娱乐法研讨会”. 这次活动非常成功,是由78届的查尔斯·“查克”·沃克领导的BLSA学生组织的. Unfortunately, plans to publish the proceedings in UCLA's Black Law Journal were thwarted by technical difficulties with transcription. 学生 turned misfortune into an opportunity. 他们开始着手创建一本BC法律出版物,未来可以出版类似类型的关于“法律学院服务不足的人群”的奖学金. 学生们还设想这样的期刊为在主流期刊上代表性不足的少数族裔法律学生提供机会 BCLR.

我头脑风暴了一下,说,‘让我们从黑人的角度开一个关于娱乐法的研讨会吧. . . Professor Howe became the advisor to it. And I said, at the end of it, ‘We can have our own law journal.
Charles “Chuck” Walker ‘78

A diverse group of 35 students, led by Maurice Hope-Thomson ’80, worked with Dean Richard Huber to establish the 电子游戏软件 Third World Law Journal. In addition to BLSA members, 该小组成员来自亚太裔法律学生协会和拉丁美洲法律学生协会。. The new journal was dedicated to publishing scholarship on "peoples, 文化, and institutions that have suffered a hi故事 of colonialism, 压迫, underrepresentation, 暴力, or marginalization.“ 第一期 was published in 1980.


电子游戏软件 法学院 Black Law Journal Symposium on Entertainment Law


17岁的Thanithia Billings(中)担任《<a href='http://my.americangreens.net'>电子游戏软件</a>法律评论》的总编辑,当时《电子游戏正规平台》等主题期刊被合并为主要评论. 在这里,她将接力棒传给了她的继任者,KG Gasseling(左)和Caitlin Toto(右)。.

17岁的Thanithia Billings(中)担任《电子游戏软件法律评论》的总编辑,当时《电子游戏正规平台》等主题期刊被合并为主要评论. 在这里,她将接力棒传给了她的继任者,KG Gasseling(左)和Caitlin Toto(右)。.

Professor Ruth-Arlene Howe ’74 served as a 教师 advisor of the Third World Law Journal until her 2009 retirement. 前 BCLR 1985年毕业后,主编和BLSA成员renzei Landers(现为萨福克大学法学院教授)也回到不列颠哥伦比亚省法学院任教,并担任Howe教授的指导老师. After years of considering the changing implications of the term “Third World,” the renowned journal underwent a name change in 2011 and became the 电子游戏软件 Journal of Law and Social Justice. 2017年是这样 折叠 into the flagship 电子游戏软件 法律评论 with a commitment to continue publishing articles on law and social justice. 

除了 the Classroom


在不列颠哥伦比亚省法学院的生活令人愉快和有意义的部分原因是在课堂外发展的关系和经历:与同龄人的社交活动, opportunities to bond with professors and alumni, 网络, and participation in extracurricular activities. BLSA students and their classmates join a variety of student organizations, including the Law 学生 Association (LSA), LAHANAS (the umbrella organization for BC Law affinity groups), and the Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF). 学生 also participate in advocacy programs like moot court and 模拟试验.

After the COVID-19 pandemic, BLSA leaders redoubled efforts to build and expand community beyond the classroom. In addition to monthly general body meetings for Black students, there are regular luncheons and social events such as Red Sox games. Frequent nights out are held at local bars and restaurants, including a local tavern owned by BC Law alum Arianne Waldron ‘14. BLSA成员参与服务项目,如冬季衣物捐赠和向当地高中生推广. There also are opportunities to connect with mentors, both alumni and upper-level students. 另外, students can engage in professional development events, 以及提供简历审阅和面试指导等支持的网络会议和研讨会.

Each year in late summer, at the beginning of the school year, BLSA和BC法律黑人校友网络(BAN)举办了包括即将到来的11年级学生在内的烧烤活动, returning 2Ls and 3Ls, and alumni communities. This beloved tradition provides an opportunity for new students to meet each other, their upper-level classmates, and our active alumni community. Newly minted law students mingle with seasoned judges, Academics, law firm partners, and public servants to begin creating long-lasting social and professional ties.

BLSA主办的年度会议与节目和机会,探索在BC法律黑人社区的状态. Topics have included community policing, gentrification in urban neighborhoods, fighting for social justice from the private sector, and the importance of Black lawyers in Boston. The conference ends with the annual Ruth-Arlene Howe Heritage Banquet. The banquet brings together students, 教师, 工作人员, and alumni to enjoy an evening of connection and celebration. 当晚的庆祝活动包括颁奖典礼和一年一度的BLSA执行委员会换届仪式,因为新当选的2L领导人将接任.